Absence and Leave

  1. Any student abstaining from school will be required to submit a leave application countersigned by one of the parents or guardian (in case of day scholars) and by the hostel warden or Health Officer in case of Boarders, failing which the student will be given a single opportunity to furnish a valid reason /explanation for absenting before his/her name is struck off the rolls.
  2. During school hours, students will be forbidden to leave the school premises except with prior permission of the authorities.
  3. Students are expected to be punctual and attentive in the Morning Prayer Assembly. Recurring instances of absence from the Assembly without any reason will tantamount to delinquent behaviour and the truant will be subjected to detention/suspension or dismissal from the rolls depending upon the nature and frequency of such misdemeanour.
  4. Any student failing to attend school for fifteen consecutive days without prior intimation will automatically cease to be a student of the school.
  5. All the students must attend school on the re-opening day after vacation.